
Object is the central part of the default Platformus CMS data model. It is an elementary piece of the information. It can be your blog post, comment, or tag. Objects are described by classes and members and consist of properties and relations. You can manage them (create, edit, and delete) from the backend using the Content/Objects section:


The Content/Objects section has subsections that correspond to classes. These subsections are grouped using the parent classes. Classes without parents go under the Other group.

As we said, objects consist of properties and relations and are described by classes and members. Each property has its own client-side editor, which is specified by the data type of the member. As a developer, you can create your own data types and client-side editors. Also, data types specify which primitive storage data type should be used to store the particular property value (integer, decimal, string and datetime are supported). String properties can be localizable and non-localizable.

The object edit page consist of client-side editors grouped by tabs. A typical page can look like this:


The property editors may look and behave absolutely different. This is the property editor for the Image data type looks like:


And this is the one for the Date data type:
