
Configurations and variables are used to provide user-defined configuration parameters to the web application (while developer-defined ones can be provided using the appsettings.json file). You can manage them (create, edit, and delete) from the backend using the Administration/Configurations section:


Each configuration has code and name:



Code might be used to get configuration from code (see examples below).

Configurations consist of variables. Each variable has code, name, value, and position:



The same as for configurations, Code is used to get variable from code.


Value contains the variable’s value.


Position might be used to sort the variables in the correct order.

There is the special DefaultConfigurationManager class that you can use to access the configurations. It implements the IConfigurationManager interface and it is registered as a service inside the DI, so you can replace it with your own implementation.

This is the usage example:

public class DefaultController : Controller
  public DefaultController(IConfigurationManager configurationManager)
    string emailSmtpServer = configurationManager["Email", "SmtpServer"];

This will get value of the variable with code SmtpServer from the configuration with code Email.